Winter’s Reflections on a World Covered Over in Fear:
Reflections on winter, Imbolc, community, activism, self-care, and Trump
Here are pieces of my memoir. I’ve lived an interesting life, and I like to talk about it, sometimes. This is a collection of essays and stories about my life that you might find entertaining or enlightening. A lot has to do with deconstructing, disability, and care-giving. And having an intensely interesting mother.
Adulting Announcements Art Books and Media Boosting Community Cooking Crafting Environment Geekery Human Rights Ideas and Opinions Memes and Infographics Memoir Mental Health Micro- and Short Fiction Neurodivergent Poetry Polls Queerness Rants Relationships Release the Tears Serialized Fiction Shit that Happened Snark Spoons Uncomplicated Smiles
Reflections on winter, Imbolc, community, activism, self-care, and Trump