Category: Human Rights
Human rights are innate and cannot be taken away. My love for human rights sits at the center of everything that I do. They can only be denied, and they are denied too often. I cover what they are and how to support them here.
Adulting Announcements Art Books and Media Boosting Community Cooking Crafting Environment Geekery Human Rights Ideas and Opinions Memes and Infographics Memoir Mental Health Micro- and Short Fiction Neurodivergent Poetry Polls Queerness Rants Relationships Release the Tears Serialized Fiction Shit that Happened Snark Spoons Uncomplicated Smiles
Executive Function Hacks and Workarounds
Executive function hacks and workarounds can help us overcome barriers.
Microfiction: Our Trans Cyborg Overlords
Trans cyborg overlords is a microfiction exploring a ridiculous GOP accusation.
Microfiction Diana And The Donald
Diana and the Donald is a microfiction about how DC characters would handle Trump.
Four Currencies To Handle Any Problem Part 2 Community And Society
Four Currencies to Handle Any Problem Part 2 Community and …
Why Human Rights on a Mental Health Website?
Why Human Rights on a Mental Health Website originally published …