Winter’s Reflections on a World Covered Over in Fear:
Reflections on winter, Imbolc, community, activism, self-care, and Trump
Adulting is an important set of skills that in earlier generations mostly fit in the category of “home economics”. In honor of my mother and aunt, both home economics teachers, I’m passing on some tips (modified for accessibility where I can). Sometimes I post about time and space management. Other times I concentrate on starting and finishing tasks. In addition, adulting includes knowing how to maintain your home and save money (where that’s possible).
Adulting Announcements Art Books and Media Boosting Community Cooking Crafting Environment Geekery. Human Rights Ideas and Opinions Memes and Infographics Memoir Mental Health Micro- and Short Fiction Neurodivergent Poetry Polls Queerness Rants Relationships Release the Tears Serialized Fiction Shit that Happened Snark Spoons Uncomplicated Smiles
Reflections on winter, Imbolc, community, activism, self-care, and Trump
On Boundaries: Defining Boundaries was originally published by Jennifer Liles …
Starting with today’s post, every month, shortly after the end …
Chain of Events How DBTs Behavioral Chain Analysis Can Help …
On Boundaries: No Is A Complete Sentence originally published by …
The Shark Cage Metaphor How: To Spot Potential Abusers originally …