Site Directory

Click here for an international hotline list if you need someone to talk to right now. Find your Senator in this directory. And find your Congressperson in this one.

The bones (pages) in the site directory:

Decorative doodle featuring an anthropomorphic creature.

For information about my therapy services, about me, and about Soup & Solidarity, go to the RMHS LLC page. For the blog and the latest articles in the directories go to the Jenni’s Space blog. Go to the contact information page to reach out to me, and my social media page to find all the other places to follow me. Take time to read. The mutual aid page describes much of what I do to support mutual aid on this site. And the Soup & Solidarity page tells you about my large mutual aid project focused on the Soup & Solidarity Discord server where memberships, “passing the hat”, and paid educational and (not clinical) support groups raise money for mutual aid efforts. Finally, the privacy policy and website policies pages give you information on how I use data and how I make decision.

Jenni’s Space site directory:

Follow the links below to find articles on the following categories (some will be empty until I write new content):

Adulting Announcements Art Books and Media Boosting Community Cooking Crafting Environment Geekery Human Rights Ideas and Opinions Memes and Infographics Memoir Mental Health Micro- and Short Fiction Neurodivergent Poetry Polls Queerness Rants and Rambles Relationships Release the Tears Serialized Fiction Shit that Happened Snark Spoons Uncomplicated Smiles

Mutual Aid site directory:

Follow the links below to find articles about various mutual aid and direct actions across the US and its territories:

Mutual Aid Organized by Type of Assistance:

Cash Assistance. Direct Action, Educational Resources, Immigration and Emigration Info, Fighting Back. Food Assistance. Housing Assistance. Legal Assistance. Medical Assistance. Political Info. Survival Skills.

Mutual Aid Organized By State and Territory:

US Wide and Online:

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Guam Puerto Rico US Virgin Islands Washington DC

Tags site directory:

If you want to explore a little deeper, look through tags for things that interest you:

101 abortion abuse abusive behavior Actions activism actually autistic adulting Adult Theme advocacy anti-choice Anti-Racism anxiety Behavioral Chain Analysis bio-psycho-social model boundaries boundary setting California changing behavior climate change communication community conflict consent Content Note DBT DC Universe deconstructing harmful beliefs Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Diana series direct action Direct Action Training domestic violence effectiveness executive function fanfic fascism fear fire Foster Children Gear Up Gynecologists hacks health insurance Homeless housekeeping Houseless human rights Immigration Resources interpersonal relationships interpersonal violence intimate partner violence introduction Kristallnacht LGBTQIA Los Angeles Los Angeles County medical insurance medical necessity mental health microfiction monthly mutual aid links mutual aid natural disaster neurodivergent neurospicy Non Fiction One Simple Wish organization organizing space organizing time parenting Pink Haven Politics power dynamics practical mental health pro-choice queer racial justice recovery from trauma relationships Representative Science Fiction scripts self-advocacy Senator society Soup & Solidarity Surj task completion task initiation thought experiments time management transgender Transgender Resources Trump UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights what if? workarounds work relationships

Remember, if you want to be a founding member of the Soup and Solidarity Discord server (opening May 1, 2025), sign up to support it by becoming a Patron at $1 or more today.

Click here to go to the site directory to find more information and entertainment, and click here to email me to offer feedback or help me build the server.

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