Social Media Links

Here are the links for all the social media where I have a significant(ish) presence on the web:

Bluesky (odanu) :

I was an early adopter of Twitter but deleted my account after a year of Musk. Bluesky has emerged as the most like heir apparent, and it currently (Dec 2024) feels very much like early Twitter. I am on there nearly every day. Currently my favorite social media

Dreamwidth (odanu):

Dreamwidth is a LiveJournal fork and when LiveJournal was ruined by the Russian government, I tried to make a go of it here. It didn’t go well, but I do try to keep up with my reading list there.

Facebook (odanu):

Decorative doodle featuring an anthropomorphic creature.

If you’re already here, you don’t need it. I’m only using it to keep up with friends and to advertise what I write here and what I’m doing on Soup & Solidarity. I keep it in a container on Firefox, off my phone, and am working on deleting all my old data.

Mastodon (odanu):

I use Mastodon for poetry, conversations about science-y stuff, and some personal friendships. the 500 character limit is just too short to be useful, and creating threads is challenging, so major presence is on hold until this is addressed.

Patreon (Jenni’s Space):

The only way to join Soup & Solidarity Mutual Aid Discord Server is through my Patreon. I even include a 7 day free trial on the $1 level. See how simple that is?

TikTok (Jenni’s Space)

Currently my largest social media following (I do miss that 10k followers I had on Twitter). If it survives the legislation that is trying to kill it, it is my favorite short video form. I make a lot of videos here about human rights and mental health, usually uncut and not particularly heavily produced. Since the inception of “Orange Jumpsuit and the Triple K Band with their new South African Lead Singer Blood Emerald”, I’ve been taking a wait-and-see attitude. Still up in the air.

Tumblr (Jenni’s Space)

If you want to follow my stuff and want to see pretty much everything I do, but in a social media context, Tumblr is probably where to do it these days (unless you want to follow links back from Bluesky). I do a bit of re-sharing of other people’s posts there, but it is primarily a mirror for this site (and previous sites).

Twitch (odanu_) (yes, that’s an underline at the end)

I keep wanting to use Twitch more (other than watching Critical Role’s* latest campaign on Thursday nights) but I run up against struggling with the video format. I really liked the Kind Words videos and may go back to those. *Yes, I know about Beacon and have a membership. But I like their commercials.

YouTube (Jenni’s Space)

This is where my longer videos live on social media. In addition, I will be busy for months moving old TikTok videos to YouTube if TikTok falls. I may return to the coloring videos I made back in my old work office. Those were fun and I have plenty of markers. I don’t particularly like the way YouTube exploration works, so I’m always super behind on posting stuff there. Like years.

Other Places on the Web:

I’ve made profiles in Medium, LinkedIn and Reddit, but don’t do much with any of them, so you’ll have to find them yourself. I’m also on Discord as odanu. Join Soup & Solidarity (via Patreon) to support mutual aid, and say hi.

Why “odanu”?

Once upon a time, when the internet was new, I tried to give myself a cool user name. After a few false starts, I settled on “odanu”, which is bastardized, very bad Irish Gaelic for “Child of the (Elder) Gods”. Though in some ways I’ve grown out of it, I still use it because:

  1. It is only five letters
  2. I can usually get it or “odanu1” on almost any social media
  3. I still kind of like the meaning even if it is awful, bastardized Irish.

I will keep this page updated as new social media rise and fall. Go forth and follow them all!

Remember, if you want to be a founding member of the Soup and Solidarity Discord server (opening May 1, 2025), sign up to support it by becoming a Patron at $1 or more today.

Click here to go to the site directory to find more information and entertainment, and click here to email me to offer feedback or help me build the server.

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