Jenni's Space / RMHS LLC


Contact Information: How to ask for therapy intake or reach me about the website.

Decorative doodle featuring an anthropomorphic creature.

Jennifer Liles, LCSW : A short biography and professional information about the author

Mental Health Services at Responsive Mental Health Services, LLC: What to expect from therapy at RMHS LLC, and intake procedures

About the Mutual Aid and Direct Action Directory: Why I’ve created a resource directory and how to use it.

Solidarity Shopping: What it means to shop in solidarity and how to use the section

Social Media Links: Links to all of Jenni Liles’ current social media accounts

Privacy Policy: A clear and concise privacy policy

Jenni’s Space / RMHS Website Policies: Other important policies for the website and RMHS LLC as a whole.

And more…

Click here for an international hotline list if you need someone to talk to right now. Find your Senator in this directory. And find your Congressperson in this one. Then come back and pick a Mutual Aid cause to help or a Solidarity Shop to buy a gift from.

For information about my therapy services, go to the RMHS LLC page. For the blog and the latest articles in the directories go to the Jenni’s Space blog. Go to the contact information page to reach out to me, and my social media page to find all the other places to follow me. Use the social media buttons below to get the word out about the resources I’m offering, and check out the related articles below those. And please take an extra three seconds to fill out your email and subscribe to gt up-to-date resources, news, entertainment, and information on places to shop that support small businesses.
